If you let others define you, you won’t reach true happiness

If you let others define you, you won’t reach true happiness

Amazing work from my online client Sarah 🙌

12 weeks ago Sarah had little knowledge of foods,she always trained hard but was unhappy with how she looks and felt, especially as she always put a lot of effort into her training

She even had a Friend say- You don’t need to do it as your tiny

But deep down she was uncomfortable in how she felt so remained focused on her goals

Tip – “If you let others define you, you won’t reach true happiness”

Fast forward 12 weeks Sarah now looks and feels amazing with a better understanding of foods and lifestyle management and now she has now set a new goal to move forward even further

Here is what Sarah said about her experience with my coaching –

Firstly a massive thank you to @darren__wilson_pt_and_boxing for all your help and support in showing me a much healthier, fitter me 💪.
I could not have done this without you!
12 weeks ago I decided to join Darren on one of his online fitness journeys.
At the time of starting, deep down as much as I wanted to prove to myself I could do this, I was still thinking I will probably fail.
I knew my eating habits were my biggest failure.
I have always been relatively fit but honestly, I didn’t have a clue when it come to nutrition.
I used to live on junk food. To get these results I didn’t starve myself, I just changed what foods I ate. Put in regular exercise (using Darren’s plan) and I had the support and encouragement off Darren when ever I needed it.

12 weeks of darren’s plan and I’m feeling 💯 % better in my body and mind.

My biggest struggle was people telling me I didn’t need to do it.
Your tiny..
Why are you dieting.. I was never dieting!!
All I was ever doing was reducing body fat and toning. I cut out all cardio and concentrated on weight training.

Change Your Life and Apply Today

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