Chris was struggling through lockdown

Chris was struggling through lockdown

Chris was struggling through lockdown but made the phone call to me and changed it all around and is know in a good place to push even forward with new goals

“Thank you very much Dazzer.
I got in contact with you 7 weeks ago because I wasn’t happy with my potato shaped body.

I realised the lockdown lasted longer than anticipated and used it as an excuse to be lazy when it was the really best time to train. What else could we do during time like these? I told him I wanted a better shape and hopefully bring back some memory muscle. I knew it was in there somewhere.

His coaching programme really works. It’s easy to follow, the app is great, lots of good tasty meal ideas and I’m a very fussy eater. The workouts were great and most were bodyweight exercises I never even thought of doing.

Darren is there every step of the way to motivate you and check you’re on track on the nutrition side of things.

My advice is Ask Questions…. if you dont understand anything he’s always happy to explain to help you understand the reasons behind the science and his training program.

I would definitely recommend him to anyone that’s thinking of making a lifestyle change.

Thanks again Darren”

Chris Paines –

Change Your Life and Apply Today

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