He didn’t just want to take my money, he wanted to make sure I was committed

He didn’t just want to take my money, he wanted to make sure I was committed

Incredible progress from Kate 👏
She is now Mentally & physically in a great place with huge amount of fat lost within 12 weeks

After yo yoing up & down in weight for years, She was unhappy in her clothes, low in energy & knew she had to change something for her own health

Here is what Kate said:

I messaged Darren after seeing someone share his challenge to drop 10% body weight in 12 weeks I had woken up after drinking too much wine and feeling awful, knowing something had to change. lockdown had taken its toll but more than that, I have always yo-yo’d with my diet &!since I had my kids I don’t think I ever believed I would successfully change how I look. Darren called me the next day, basically interviewed me before he agreed to work with me. I think that qualification & relationship building is key – he didn’t just want to take my money, he wanted to make sure I was committed, ready to work hard.

Darren gave me a set of guidelines to work within in terms of my diet but the great thing is I have been able to make that work for me. It’s flexible & I can still have things I like, including having some treats. I have stayed off the alcohol the whole time & haven’t even been tempted – it’s felt good to change my habits.

The workouts are tough but fun, the Systems that Darren has made sure I was working hard even though I have done the whole 12 weeks at home.

That’s been great for me to fit everything in around two kids & a busy job. I have even got a new job during the 12 weeks which been stressful – previously I would have been neck deep in wine with that kind of stress! But he has helped me identify my triggers & manage them. Fair to say I don’t think I have ever been this consistent.

The accountability & support Darren gives is ideal for me – factual, helpful, no nonsense but always kind & patient. He is a total game changer after a lifetime of trying to change my habits. I can’t wait to keep working with him now and see what I can do next. Thank you 💕

Great work Kate and thank you 🙌

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