Say bye bye 2 and half stone

Say bye bye 2 and half stone

Incredible transformation from my online client Gavin in 12 weeks

Nearly 2 1/2 stone weight loss and as you can see in the photos a huge amount of body fat melted away , he increased strength in gym, more energy for his day to day with his own business and his family life

He had a lot of social events booked in, and weekends away down the caravan with his family

No magic pill just simple changes to get him results and more importantly the knowledge to keep moving forward after the 12 weeks working with me

I set a plan out for him to work around his busy lifestyle and Gavin simply implemented it while educating himself throughout to get a better understanding about foods and lifestyle management to be fitter, healthier, happier, stronger and fitter

Gavin said about his time working with me –

12 weeks ago I was demotivated in work and in life in general, I would always make excuses not to get up and go to the gym. eating takeaway after takeaway and anything I could get my hands on.

I couldn’t even reach my feet to put on socks which was getting me down, especially when my wife wouldn’t help me put my socks on.

After seeing my wife’s success being on Darren’s programme! I decided I needed to invest in his plan also, not just for me but for my family! it was clear that I was very unhealthy and unfit.

12 weeks on..I have so much motivation, I get up and exercise everyday feeling fit and strong.

I have more energy and I can even reach my feet now! I have more of an understanding of foods and macros and what I need to do to be the healthiest I can for my wife and kids.

Best investment I have made.
Thanks for the kind words Gavin and a massive well done on turning your life around or the better 👏

Change Your Life and Apply Today

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